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sticky record motif in mono or stereo into logic?… 8495 6 06/03/2009 02:59 PM by axxe
sticky Using logic with motif xs6 and mbox 2 mini 8544 5 06/01/2009 11:42 PM by motif8mine
sticky Motif XS Samples w/ Logic Midi 7504 1 06/01/2009 12:04 PM by motif8mine
sticky Recording arpeggios from the xs in pattern mode… 9213 15 05/24/2009 05:35 PM by motif8mine
sticky having trouble getting sounds from es6 into logic… 7625 1 05/18/2009 12:04 AM by motif8mine
sticky Motif Original, Logic/Ableton, and a Macbook… 7440 3 05/16/2009 06:07 PM by motif8mine
sticky Motif XS and Logic: How Do I Transfer Patterns,… 10041 8 05/16/2009 04:21 PM by motif8mine
sticky Questions regarding mLAN functionality 7568 6 05/14/2009 01:20 PM by dILL
sticky Logic Pro 8:  Not seeing Halion Symphonic… 9940 9 05/14/2009 01:29 AM by motif8mine
sticky Logic wont bounce midi region to audio 9278 9 05/07/2009 07:06 PM by motif8mine
sticky Changing Track icons in Logic? 22808 32 05/06/2009 10:03 PM by alwaysuptil1
sticky Bouncing Internal Software Midi tracks to audio… 7918 4 05/05/2009 03:41 PM by motif8mine
sticky Help setting up an MO8 with Logic Express 8 12429 7 05/03/2009 11:43 PM by motif8mine
sticky Logic starts recording and wont stop 8314 9 05/02/2009 05:36 PM by motif8mine
sticky What’d be the best way to interface the… 8047 2 05/02/2009 07:38 AM by douglas_carmichael
sticky motif xs editor inside logic? 8388 3 04/27/2009 10:37 PM by motif8mine
sticky Bouncing Tracks (Internal Logic Drum Loops/Audio… 8828 2 04/16/2009 10:02 AM by w7ptt
sticky VST Wrapper to make the Motif XS Editor work in… 9597 1 04/14/2009 09:51 PM by motif8mine
sticky Recording Internal Logic Software Drum Loop with… 8413 3 04/14/2009 06:22 PM by motif8mine
sticky Instruments sounds different in different modes… 8180 1 04/07/2009 11:13 PM by motif8mine
sticky Notes meant for Logic Pro 8 Internal Software… 8171 4 04/03/2009 04:09 PM by w7ptt
sticky Recalling patches in logic pro from motif xs 9163 5 03/30/2009 06:07 PM by axxe
sticky Motif xs as external instrument in logic 8 26871 45 03/28/2009 07:30 AM by axxe
sticky Recording Motif XS Audio output into Logic PRO… 9259 1 03/27/2009 11:45 PM by motif8mine
sticky Logic Pro 8:  Recording 4 bar sections 8926 1 03/25/2009 12:54 AM by motif8mine
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