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sticky 64 BIT UPDATE AVAILABLE! 6120 1 01/20/2010 03:10 PM by Dreamflight
sticky midi timing 6284 11 01/14/2010 11:52 PM by motif8mine
sticky Logic Mlan output setting and more 7855 5 01/05/2010 05:22 PM by Overhead
sticky what settings in motif 8 erneed to be set in ord… 7270 1 12/30/2009 12:44 PM by motif8mine
sticky HELP ! i just got my motif rack xs and no sound… 30230 74 12/27/2009 08:54 PM by kidA1280
sticky Logic Environment Motif XS 22978 18 12/24/2009 12:46 PM by teebow62
sticky using external sounds 7530 3 12/21/2009 09:34 AM by carieann
sticky Help with Logic Studio and Motif Rack ES 7421 1 12/18/2009 06:07 PM by motif8mine
sticky Too Ambitious???? 6511 2 12/16/2009 04:55 AM by lilnate2008
sticky sustain notes in logic? 9629 7 12/10/2009 08:14 PM by motif8mine
sticky Standard MIDI File Transfer to Logic - just a… 7542 3 12/09/2009 09:54 AM by aliciakay
sticky Logic 9 and all sort of MIDI hassles !!! 8173 3 12/05/2009 11:17 PM by motif8mine
sticky how do you get USR Banks 1,2,3 from motif XS in… 7856 11 12/05/2009 03:34 AM by motif8mine
sticky Motif XS7, Macpro, RME Fireface, Logic 9, how… 9783 14 12/01/2009 12:16 PM by fctwente
sticky Problem with Motif XS library and multitrack recording… 22947 18 11/26/2009 10:23 PM by motif8mine
sticky Using Logic with the XS 7238 1 11/13/2009 02:17 AM by lilnate2008
sticky WANTED: Logic/MotifXS Consultant for studio… 5569 0 11/08/2009 06:11 PM by TarasVWZ
sticky Logic 9 and mLAN 8083 3 11/04/2009 12:54 PM by motif8mine
sticky Why Do You Want Logic Pro and the Motif 12315 7 11/01/2009 04:53 PM by jordygolfing
sticky LOGIC PRO 9 IS HERE! 16501 23 10/09/2009 08:34 PM by billkeller
sticky !!! 6856 0 10/09/2009 06:10 PM by radore
sticky downsouth beats 6512 2 09/28/2009 09:01 AM by Dreamflight
sticky using battery with logic 9 and motif 6636 1 09/19/2009 09:10 PM by motif8mine
sticky LOGIC 9 13309 28 09/19/2009 02:21 PM by motif8mine
sticky PLG environments for Logic Audio 4954 0 09/14/2009 05:40 AM by Joris
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