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Old Motifator threads are available in the Archive.

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sticky Logic Pro 8 + Motif ES 8= No Audio Recording of… 6714 1 09/12/2009 11:45 PM by motif8mine
sticky MIDI regions whited / greyed out 6651 2 09/06/2009 12:20 PM by mcmusic
sticky Snow Leopard 7199 4 09/05/2009 10:44 PM by mcmusic
sticky still need a little help 6936 2 09/02/2009 11:38 PM by motif8mine
sticky Aether reverb plugin - Significantly better than… 6161 0 09/01/2009 10:47 PM by Dreamflight
sticky Connecting Yamaha motif es6 to Logic Pro 8 10457 3 08/28/2009 11:19 PM by motif8mine
sticky Midi recording in Logic Pro 8 7875 1 08/27/2009 12:39 PM by motif8mine
sticky OS X, mLan & Logic - do they work well together?… 10332 2 08/25/2009 07:20 PM by Dreamflight
sticky Hey everyone…just another newbie here with… 8414 10 08/24/2009 02:45 PM by Jay O Productions
sticky Can’t bounce audio from my Motif Rack ES… 10127 2 08/23/2009 12:56 AM by motif8mine
sticky Logic Pro 9 initial observations - making great… 6512 0 08/21/2009 09:04 AM by Dreamflight
sticky Getting XS to recognize CC commands from Logic… 9202 11 08/10/2009 09:25 AM by motif8mine
sticky So I just ordered Logic Studio 9… 8267 4 08/08/2009 09:55 PM by Dreamflight
sticky using motif xs with logic 8110 3 08/04/2009 11:14 PM by motif8mine
sticky recording audio from motif; nudges from original… 16006 26 08/04/2009 08:31 PM by axxe
sticky RIGHT ABOUT NOW IS WHEN EVERYONE STARTS TO PLAY… 8210 2 07/24/2009 05:04 AM by zzzxtreme
sticky Using the Motif XS as A/D converter and as… 8281 11 07/18/2009 02:02 PM by alwaysuptil1
sticky Need help getting Logic to send bank changes to… 8349 5 07/14/2009 10:42 PM by motif8mine
sticky Using MO8 as DAW Midi controller in Logic 13441 8 07/08/2009 10:47 AM by motif8mine
sticky Motif + Mlan + Logic still unclear. 8275 5 06/28/2009 05:41 PM by motif8mine
sticky How To Access XS Editor 9937 8 06/27/2009 06:03 PM by motif8mine
sticky Firewire Hub 7598 4 06/24/2009 08:59 PM by Cutdawgent
sticky Problems in Logic 7573 1 06/15/2009 02:27 PM by motif8mine
sticky Axxe demos 7605 3 06/12/2009 04:25 PM by magick
sticky Slowing Tempo in Logic 8117 3 06/06/2009 06:00 PM by kr=d+=+
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