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sticky can I save a mod wheel setting? 7971 4 02/12/2009 08:40 AM by daryl
sticky Recording the audio from PC-driven Midi files 7319 5 02/12/2009 03:09 AM by HarryBag
sticky Audiogram 6 and MO 7990 2 02/09/2009 09:09 AM by Steve Pas
sticky AW2400 Can’t monitor pitch fix 7670 4 02/07/2009 01:40 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Recording tracks in pattern mode 7494 0 01/26/2009 08:40 PM by mach1
sticky Music Production Software and the MO8 3146 6 12/31/2008 05:27 AM by raykeyz
sticky xs- fade out 2893 3 12/25/2008 02:02 PM by BradWeber
sticky MO8 Patch Script For Cubase 3006 3 12/24/2008 05:57 AM by Wellie
sticky Problems with Tempo in Synch with AW16G 2674 2 12/23/2008 02:50 AM by dawnrun
sticky AW16 Effects 2680 3 12/22/2008 01:17 PM by Wellie
sticky Loading Sequences from Cubase into MO8 2912 4 12/19/2008 04:28 PM by PaulCann
sticky rack sequencer 2664 2 12/15/2008 02:20 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky multi track 2741 0 12/15/2008 02:16 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky newbie needs help recording to Win XP 3115 9 12/15/2008 02:12 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Problem: PLG sounds come by default in mixing… 2671 0 12/01/2008 06:08 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky Which Headphones? 2892 3 11/27/2008 10:12 AM by Wellie
sticky Synchronise tracks from Motif onto AW16G 2740 2 11/25/2008 06:58 AM by dawnrun
sticky Best Mixer 3430 9 11/24/2008 07:59 AM by TonyPhillips
sticky Panning problems with ES7/Yamaha Mixer MW8cx… 2995 2 10/30/2008 09:10 AM by firebird
sticky Recording a separate mix to the FOH???… 2736 0 10/30/2008 03:09 AM by kabuchi7
sticky Missing Sample Wave 2830 3 10/29/2008 08:50 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky AW1600 v AW16G 7871 10 10/24/2008 02:14 AM by Wellie
sticky Audio track and Midi tempo in Cubase Studio4 3102 3 10/15/2008 07:11 AM by polke1
sticky changing the effect of a single track 2620 0 10/14/2008 08:54 PM by Bad_Mister
sticky MP3 in Cubase and Wavelab 3447 4 10/13/2008 06:18 AM by polke1
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