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Viewing topic "MO8 Patch Script For Cubase"

Posted on: December 21, 2008 @ 01:53 AM
Total Posts:  17
Joined  10-02-2008
status: Regular

Does anyone know where I can get the MO8 patch script for Cubase. I’m running Cubase LE 1.x.

I’ve looked all over and I’m not seeing it anywhere.


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Posted on: December 22, 2008 @ 01:21 PM
Total Posts:  6215
Joined  05-09-2003
status: Guru

Re: MO8 Patch Script For Cubase

Did you look in the motifmart - a likely place . . .


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Posted on: December 22, 2008 @ 01:52 PM
Total Posts:  17
Joined  10-02-2008
status: Regular

Re: MO8 Patch Script For Cubase

Yes, I looked there but I didn’t see anything for the MO8.

There are patch scripts for the “Motif”, but when I reviewed the motifscript.txt file, I didn’t see all the voices! For example, I searched on the voice “Piano Back” and it isn’t listed.

If this is the correct script file to use, fine, I’ll add the missing voices. But if there’s one specific to the MO8, let me know.

Thanks Wellie!

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Posted on: December 24, 2008 @ 05:57 AM
Total Posts:  6215
Joined  05-09-2003
status: Guru

Re: MO8 Patch Script For Cubase

It is the script for the classic - but I have a classic and the ‘pianobak’ voice is present and in the patchscript . . .


Anyways, this script might be a place to start until something else turns up or until you manage an edit yourself /forums/images/icons/smile.gif alt=


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