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Viewing topic "xs- fade out"

Posted on: December 24, 2008 @ 10:35 AM
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Joined  12-21-2008
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How do you make a song slowly fade out?


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Posted on: December 25, 2008 @ 06:26 AM
Total Posts:  844
Joined  09-16-2005
status: Guru

Re: xs- fade out

I usually do fades in the AUDIO mix-down.  But if you want to do it on the MIDI side, put an automation on each track that changes the EXPRESSION controller (cc11) from 127 to 0 over time.  Expression works better than volume because it keeps the proportions correct over the whole range.

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Posted on: December 25, 2008 @ 10:29 AM
Total Posts:  2540
Joined  07-19-2002
status: Guru

Re: xs- fade out

You can use one of the Song Jobs to do this.

In Song Mode , press Job, then F3 -event.

Select job 5 Create Continuous Controller.

Set the Track to ALL, the CC# to 11 ( that’s Expression) .

Set the data range from 127-0. 

You can then set the point the fade starts at and where it ends.

This will generate Expression data that will slowly fade out the MIDI data ( and any samples that are driven by MIDI).

If you don’t like the fade you created , you can use Undo to remove the Expression data and create different fades by experiment with different curves that will give you different types of fade outs.

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Posted on: December 25, 2008 @ 02:02 PM
Total Posts:  14986
Joined  07-26-2002
status: Legend

Re: xs- fade out

... if you use the create continuous data job to fade out your song, don’t forget to add an event following that to restore the expression to some non-zero value. Otherwise, the next time you play this song, expression will be set to zero and you won’t hear anything until the expression value is set to non-zero. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif alt=


Brad Weber

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