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Viewing topic "trouble converting a pattern to a pattern chain to a song"

Posted on: January 30, 2024 @ 12:15 PM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  10-06-2022
status: Newcomer

Hi, I’ve been working on this for some time now with no luck. My goal is to create a pattern chain, and convert it into a song, using a series of 8 patterns of chord sequences in a particular song: intro,verses, choruses, bridges, outro, etc. I have recorded the 8 sub-patterns I needed for the pattern chain, labelled A to H under the name of the overall pattern. I then went into Pattern chain, then edit, and I made a list there of the order I wanted the sub-patterns to appear in, in the chain. The list showed the 4/4 time that all of the sub-patterns are in and then the Letter name of the sub-pattern. I then did the save/enter, thinking I was recording the pattern chain(made up of the 8 sub-patterns). (evidently I was not).

Then, in my attempt to convert the pattern chain into a song, I was in Chain Edit and then I chose convert to song and placed it into a Song slot. I saved this, then, in that song slot, I chose “Play” to listen to it. The first time I tried it, I got some random beeps and boops, but nothing else. I tried putting the pattern chain into another Song slot, and this time it played one of the sub-patterns over and over again, but that’s it.

I’m thinking that I must have skipped a step somewhere, perhaps i had to copy the pattern chain before I tried to convert it to a song?

I’m not technologically sophisticated and this is the first time Ive tried this. Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated!


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Posted on: February 01, 2024 @ 06:46 PM
Total Posts:  686
Joined  10-14-2008
status: Guru

I may not be much help since I have a motif xf, and it’s been 7-8yrs since I used the pattern chain feature.
There were a couple methods; one being to plug in the patterns in the order you want (ie A,BB,A,C,D,E,A) etc.
I had trouble with that option as I recall and perhaps had similar results like you.

Ultimately I got the procedure down by recording the chain in real time.  Set up the pattern chain and when you record you just press on each patter when it’s time in your sequence of patterns. .
Struggling with the terminology here since I haven’t touched the board in a year. 
Example. After I finished 8 separate patterns and was ready to chain them into a song, I played it through while writing down the exact sequence and number of patterns.  That way when I hit record, I’d be able to trigger each pattern in the order I had written down.
Bottom line, I’d suggest going the record route if it’s an option. I can’t imagine it wouldn’t be.  Anyways good luck and let us know.  I’ll prob boot up my board and revisit the process again

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Posted on: February 01, 2024 @ 06:51 PM
Total Posts:  686
Joined  10-14-2008
status: Guru

One more suggestion if you haven’t tried. I did a YouTube search for “Yamaha pattern chain” and saw quite a few videos on this topic. One was a different model Yamaha but it had a similar small screen like yours, so the process may be similar in terms of the menu layers you have to go through in the process

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