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Viewing topic "celtic pipe sound"

Posted on: February 03, 2009 @ 10:45 AM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  01-30-2009
status: Newcomer

i’m trying to cover “braveheart” as an intro song for our band.

i’m looking for an nice celtic pipe sound or a nice bagpipe sound. i’ve tried to work something out with the present voices but it is not good enough for me at the moment. somebody can give me a hint ?

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Posted on: February 04, 2009 @ 08:43 AM
Total Posts:  6820
Joined  07-27-2002
status: Guru

Re: celtic pipe sound

You need to let us know which keyboard you have - Motif, Motif ES, Motif XS, S90, S90ES, MO 6,7,8, or MM6.

If you have a Motif or Motif ES, check out the “Celtic Pipes” voice
library in the “Voice libraries” section of the “Motif Mart” on this website.

You’ll need user RAM modules installed in your Motif to use this
library, as it includes new samples.

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