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sticky Creating Sounds 8508 7 02/12/2009 11:00 AM by adlib311
sticky I want better strings (Motif ES) 8854 10 02/12/2009 10:58 AM by ksounds
sticky Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl - Keyboard Sound 8827 3 02/12/2009 08:55 AM by Venatt
sticky changes: How will they affect you?… 8781 5 02/11/2009 01:47 PM by MoGut
sticky Combine midi with audio in sync 8133 0 02/11/2009 08:48 AM by DavePolich
sticky MM8 piano sounds 3241 6 02/11/2009 03:43 AM by zisidisnikos
sticky Question About Electronic 80’s Drum Sounds… 3250 0 02/06/2009 01:14 PM by Venatt
sticky How to set up a performance wit 3/4 time signature… 2719 0 02/06/2009 11:50 AM by dzupham
sticky NEED HELP!!! PLAYING KEYBOARD IN STEREO 2830 2 02/06/2009 11:09 AM by darkstar_outcast
sticky Anywhere to get Motif patterns/songs of covers?… 2764 0 02/05/2009 11:43 PM by saeef
sticky beautiful stranger from Madonna 2521 0 02/05/2009 05:12 AM by muismans
sticky Use Total XA, from the Motif XS, to get A+ Voices.… 4577 6 02/05/2009 12:53 AM by 2Reggie
sticky celtic pipe sound 3069 0 02/04/2009 08:43 AM by DavePolich
sticky Help me identify the synths used in this song 2847 2 02/03/2009 01:24 PM by CesarSound
sticky Hypnotic Stepz 3264 6 02/02/2009 12:02 AM by Peter Krischker
sticky Instant Karma Drums? 2684 0 02/01/2009 10:26 AM by MusicalArtist
sticky convert samples from others formats 2916 3 01/31/2009 10:09 PM by DavePolich
sticky 80s Pop/Rock Soundset Volume II 3036 3 01/30/2009 08:41 AM by kayrd
sticky Need some assistance 2978 2 01/27/2009 08:00 PM by hncheema
sticky New Voice Bank Available 9136 31 01/26/2009 03:52 PM by Cowzar of Cunka
sticky Power Bank available for S90ES, ES rack, &… 2658 0 01/26/2009 03:45 PM by PeterS
sticky New Voice Bank - DX/FM demo 3230 4 01/26/2009 03:33 PM by PeterS
sticky XSpanded not accessible? 2813 0 01/26/2009 03:20 PM by munk101
sticky Peter Gabriel sounds for S90ES 3494 5 01/26/2009 10:11 AM by Leigh B
sticky Pads? 3133 6 01/25/2009 04:56 PM by darkstar_outcast
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