When you are using the Motif-Rack XS with the Yamaha Steinberg FW driver (YSFW) you need to verify the…
When in VOICE mode the CS (Control Sliders) send System Exclusive messages that control the volume of…
The Motif XS/XF, MOX6/MOX8, S90XS/S70XS, and MOXF6/MOXF8 add Expanded Articulation (XA) to their…
Using a [MIXING] Program for Quick Access to Multiple Sounds in a “live†Setup SONG or PATTERN…
The Mix Templates are customizable tone generator setup "starting points" - useful when you want to access…
Tweak of the Week: Setting up a Microphone Motif XS QUICK GUIDE: How to setup the A/D INPUT: A/D is short…
Creating your own .WAV or AIFF data for making a CD or conversion to MP3... There are many ways to do…
The ROTARY SPEAKER Effect To get the full effect of the following make sure you setup your Motif XS/XF…
If you have not done so already, please see this article first. It covers the basics of setting up the…
Whenever questions arise about the use of and the behavior of the sustain pedal, it inevitably leads…