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Motif XS Articles

Arpeggio Key Modes There are several different "Key Modes" for the arpeggiator. Each has a different…


You can switch between sounds of a SONG or PATTERN MIXING program without any glitches if you think about…



There are four different COPY Jobs in the PATTERN sequencer: Copy Events _ Copy Phrase* _ Copy Track…

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This is a tutorial and assumes you are making the button pushes as it advances. By following the example…



We should sub-title this "The Hard Way." We will start by saying the following two things: 1) the Motif…



When you are using the Motif XS with the Yamaha Steinberg FW driver (YSFW) you need to verify the following…

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The vocoder is not an effect for the microphone, per se. It is the AD Input being used as a modifier…



The Motif XS has an "Auto Load" feature which can be used to automatically restore, for example, any…

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PART ONE MOTIF XS Editor VST is a convenient tool which lets you edit and save the various…

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When you are using the Motif XS with the Yamaha Steinberg FW driver (YSFW) you need to verify the following…

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