There are many ways to creatively use the arpeggio data in the Motif XF. When attempting to transfer this data to an external sequencer (a DAW) a separate record setup will be necessary. You need to find a way to record just the output of the arpeggiator without mixing it in with the notes used to trigger the arpeggio. This requires a bit of routing and, of course, synchronization via MIDI clock.
This explains how to trigger the Arpeggio types by using the Note-on Events recorded in the track of the DAW software and how to record the MIDI notes generated by the Motif XF via Arpeggio playback to a second track in the DAW software.
You can do this entirely in SONG/PATTERN mode or you can start with a VOICE in [VOICE] mode. Either way will work. These instructions will have you prepare for playback in the SONG or PATTERN mode – as most people will desire to take advantage of the 16-part Multi-timbral capability of the XF engine when in SONG/PATTERN MIXING mode.
On the MOTIF XF: Select the desired Voice. Select the desired Arpeggio type. You will be playing the XF normally, triggering the arpeggio, however, you will be recording the “trigger notes†to your DAW.
The idea is that when the notes of this are played back to the Motif XF with the arpeggiator armed, you can then record the resulting Notes into a second DAW track.
Make desired MIDI clock settings for playing the Arpeggio. You must set your DAW to SEND MIDI clock to the “Yamaha Motif XF-1†on PORT 1
Set the MIDI SYNC = AUTO (Auto will allow you to practice without having to start your DAW. Many DAWs do not send MIDI clock when the transport is stopped. Auto will allow you to use the Motif XF arpeggio whether or not the DAW (master) clock is running or not. Useful for rehearsing.
On the MOTIF XF: set the Main ARP ON/OFF Switch = “ONâ€. Even though you are hearing the arpeggio, your DAW is recording only the actual notes that you play (the “trigger notesâ€).
On the DAW software, record the note data (for triggering the Arpeggio) to a certain MIDI track, then set the MIDI OUTPUT port of the track to USB port 1 (“Yamaha Motif XF-1â€). You can quantize the trigger notes, if you desire. These notes will be sent to the XF to take the place of you having to play the part “liveâ€.
Complete the recording of this data to your DAW.
In SONG/PATTERN Mixing mode: Set the “Receive Ch†parameter to that same as the Transmit Channel of the track on the DAW software. This is so it can receive the “trigger notesâ€.
Press [MIXING]
Press [EDIT]
Select the PART [1]-[16] Let’s say you are using PART 1 and MIDI Channel 1
Place your Voice in the PART [1]
On the DAW software, play the note data to trigger the Arpeggio of the MOTIF XF to sound the Arpeggio set on the MOTIF XF.
On the MOTIF XF, press the [STORE] button to store the current MIXING after the desired settings are completed.
Press [MIXING]
Press [EDIT]
Press numbered button [1] to view PART parameters
Press [F3] ARP OTHER
Set the “MIDI Transmit CH†to the desired channel – this channel must be different from the track with the trigger notes. For our example, let’s use Channel 2
After this operation, Arpeggio playback data (MIDI data) will be transmitted to the external device (computer) over the specified MIDI channel.
On the DAW software, select an empty track, set the MIDI OUTPUT port to “OFFâ€.
You must do this to prevent MIDI data from being echoed back, again, to the Motif XF.
On the DAW software, play the note data prepared in step 1 to trigger the Arpeggio playback of the MOTIF XF, press the record button to record the Arpeggio MIDI data to the second MIDI track in your DAW.
After recording is completed, set the MIDI Transmit Channel of the recorded track to that same as the Parts (of which the “Arp Sw†parameter is set to on) of the MOTIF XF.
Play the recorded note data on the DAW software. The arpeggio data has now been written out as individual events in your DAW track.
The recorded note data on the DAW software will be transmitted to the MOTIF XF and play the sound of the MOTIF XF without the Arpeggio function.