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MOX6/MOX8 VST in Cubase

Let’s take a quick look at what’s what when you launch the MOX VST. To gain an understanding of this, first let us state that contrary to popular belief, a VSTi can be internal (generated on the same computer running the DAW software) or it can be external (like the MOX VST). Think of VST (or Virtual Studio Technology) as a routing scheme. It includes a MIDI track that receives input from your controller, this track “thrus” (or “echoes") the data to a tone engine (which can be internal or external), it is that tone engine that creates the Audio. The audio is “returned” to Cubase through a VST INSTRUMENT audio lane. It is virtual audio because it is not yet printed or recorded (that will take place in a separate operation, called Audio Mixdown). You monitor the audio return… This way you know exactly what you will get when render the data as an audio wave. (What-you-hear-is-what-you-will-get once you mixdown.

If you go to DEVICES > VST INSTRUMENTS > click on the empty space ("no instrument") and select “EXTERNAL” > MOX6/MOX8 VST

It will ask you if you want to CREATE A MIDI TRACK for this VST. If you do, it will create 1 MIDI Track. This is the first MIDI track assigned to the VST and set to Channel 1. You will create a new MIDI track, assigned to the MOX VST, for each PART you wish to record.

The other things you see are the VST INSTRUMENT AUDIO lane and the VST INSTRUMENT AUTOMATION lane. They are not MIDI tracks, they do not have MIDI Channels. That is where you can see/hear your audio return from the EDITOR VST, and where you can record automation for your performance.

In the screen shot below you can see the VST INSTRUMENT folder. In that folder is the MOX6/MOX8 VST sub-folder:

_ the MOX6/MOX8 VST sub-folder contains, first, an AUDIO lane (this is where you will see the meter respond to audio returning via the MOX6/MOX8 EDTIOR VST). It has a MUTE, a SOLO, a READ and a WRITE button.
_ Directly below that is an AUTOMATION Lane, with its READ, WRITE and MUTE AUTOMATION (III) buttons .

Separate (outside the folders) is the one MIDI Track that is created. If you are going to record using a second MOX PART you will need to create another MIDI Track - you can do so by right clicking on this MIDI track, select ADD TRACK > ADD MIDI TRACK. Or you can go to PROJECT > ADD TRACK > MIDI


The MIDI data that you record to the MIDI Track will be routed (as you can see the MIDI OUT is assigned to the “MOX6/MOX8 VST") back to the MOX and the MOX tone engine will return audio via the EDITOR VST to the AUDIO Lane (top).

In the screen shot above the MIDI Track is selected (highlighted) and it is assigned to THRU the signal back the MOX hardware via MOX VST on MIDI Channel 1.
