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MOX6/MOX8: Parameter with Voice

If you want to bring a VOICE into a PATTERN or SONG MIXING setup (or into a PERFORMANCE) as it is setup in VOICE mode, remember to turn the PARAMETER WITH VOICE parameter ON first.

From [SONG] or [PATTERN] mode
Press [MIXING]
Press [EDIT]
Press Track Select button [1]
This will allow you to see the parameters for the Voice in PART 01
Press [F1] VOICE
Press [SF1] VOICE
Find the parameter called “P. WithVce”
Highlight this parameter and turn it ON

Now move up and select your Voice, by BANK and NUMBER… by doing so the Mo-X will automatically copy in the arps and all the parameters listed below:

Parameter with Voice set to ON:
Determines whether or not the following parameter settings of the selected Voice are copied from the Voice to the current Part when you change a Voice for the current Part individually.
• Arpeggio settings
• Filter Cutoff Frequency
• Filter Resonance
• Amplitude EG
• Filter EG
• Pitch Bend Range (Upper/Lower)
• Note Shift

Note: Regardless of the Parameter with Voice setting, the following settings are always copied when a Normal Voice is selected: Mono/Poly, Porta Sw (Portamento Part Switch), Porta Time (Portamento Time) and Porta Mode (Portamento Mode).
