When you are using the Motif XS with the Yamaha Steinberg FW driver (YSFW) you need to verify the following settings in your Motif XS:
Press [F1] GENERAL
Ensure that the IEEE1394 Driver = FW
If not, change the setting, then press [STORE] to write this preference to your Flash ROM
You will need to reboot the Motif XS for this setting to take place. Once stored, however, your unit will have this setting as part of your system settings from then on.
Next, you want to make sure that the MIDI communication is set to mLAN:
Press [F5] CONTROL
Press [SF2] MIDI
Ensure that the MIDI IN/OUT = mLAN
Press [STORE] to write this preferecne to your Flash ROM.
Now, let’s setup your Windows computer:
Right click on the Yamaha Steinberg Firewire icon in your SYSTEM TRAY
-- or --
Go to START > CONTROL PANEL > Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver
Open the panel.
Here you will be able to set the Sample Rate (44.1kHz), the Word Clock Master (Motif XS7), and the Clock Source (Internal)
Click on the tab(s) that identifies your connected device(s): Motif XS7
The current IEEE1394 Firmware version of your mLAN16E2 will be shown. This should read: V1.07 currently
Now that we have verified that the Yamaha Steinberg Firewire driver is in place, lets make sure Cubase is set to use it.
Launch Cubase
Here you will be able to select the device(s) that will be your MIDI controller. Typically this is either your Motif XS keyboard or any MIDI controller connected to its back panel MIDI IN jack.
Make sure that only these devices are marked in the “In ‘All Inputs’” column
You do not want to mark the Motif XS REMOTE port in the In ‘All Inputs’ column. Remote Control commands must be kept discreet, so as not to interfere with normal music performance. In the next folder “REMOTE DEVICES” highlight the Motif XS item. It will be assigned as your Remote Control device and the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports will be assigned.
Move down to the VST AUDIO SYSTEM item and verify that the Yamaha Steinberg FW is selected as the ASIO DRIVER.
The option just below VST AUDIO SYSTEM will be “Yamaha Steinberg FW”. If you highlight that you will see the CONTROL PANEL where you can set your buffer size.