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Motif Sample Slice: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

IMPORTANT NOTE: The first section of this guide concentrates on PATTERN mode. The Motif is context sensitive. It matters what mode you are in when you sample or import your data. If you are using SONG mode, the Phrase data will be written once to a linear track, the Voice assigned will be memorized in the MIX. You can then use the TR LOOP function to make the pattern cycle. TRACK LOOP lets you cycle any data from measure 1. Perfect for making a sliced audio loop work in a Song. Make sure you sample or import your data while you are in the Mode you intend to use.

Slice: Slice is a function that is designed to make audio loops (up to 8 measures) work at different tempos without adverse pitch change (munchkin-ization). It accomplishes this by analyzing the audio and breaking it into smaller segments (slices). Each slice is mapped to the MIDI keyboard on successively higher notes of a Pattern Sample Voice or Song Sample Voice. A chromatic scale of MIDI data is created (in a User Phrase in Pattern mode/to a linear track in Song mode) accurately placing the trigger notes so that when the scale is played back it reassembles the audio slices. The Motif can create up to 128 slices maximum – the number of notes on a MIDI channel. The Slice function creates a MIDI phrase to trigger the audio slices. A Phrase is a Pattern mode structure that also memorizes certain setup data such as what Voice goes with the sequence. In Song mode the data is written to a linear track.

SLICE+SEQ: This is a sample type “macro” that takes you through recording-trimming and slicing the sample. And although similar to the SLICE job you’ll get to see up close the
differences, if you complete this tutorial.

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