When you are using the Motif-Rack XS with the Yamaha Steinberg FW driver (YSFW) you need to verify the following settings in your Motif-Rack XS:
Select “GENERAL” > press [ENTER]
Press [DOWN CURSOR] to advance to page 2 of 5
Ensure that the IEEE1394 Driver = FW
If not, change the setting, then press [STORE] to write this preference to your Flash ROM
You will need to reboot the Motif-Rack XS for this setting to take place.
Next, you want to make sure that the MIDI communication is set to mLAN:
Select “MIDI” > press [ENTER]
On page 1 of 6 ensure that the MIDI IN/OUT = mLAN
Press [STORE] to write this preference to your Flash ROM.
Now, let’s setup your computer:
Find the Yamaha Steinberg FW icon listed
Double click the icon to open the panel.
Here you will be able to set the Sample Rate (44.1kHz), the Word Clock Master (Motif XS7), and the Clock Source (Internal)
Click on the tab(s) that identifies your connected device(s): Motif-Rack XS
The current IEEE1394 Firmware version of your mLAN16E2 will be shown. This should read: V1.07 currently
Now that we have verified that the Yamaha Steinberg Firewire driver is in place, lets make sure your computer is set to use it.
* Launch the Motif-Rack XS Editor Standalone/VST version 1.6.0
The main window will appear
Setup the Motif-Rack XS Editor
· Click on FILE > SETUP on the Motif XS Editor toolbar
Here you want to setup the communication between the Motif-Rack XS and the Editor.
Notice that the “Motif-Rack XS MIDI IN” is setup as the MIDI KEYBOARD IN
Next you make a decision about the direction of communication. You need to consider:
When you open a Motif-Rack XS Editor file, how do you want the Editor to behave?
Typically, when you create a new Project you might want the Editor to clear a new MIX for you. There is a function to initialize a new Multi within the Editor.
When you are restoring a previously saved project you will want the Editor to send your saved data back to the Motif XS. Therefore you will want to have data sent FROM the Editor TO the Motif XS.
As you can see I have the Auto Sync Setting set to CURRENT = PC > Motif XS
This is so that the Total Recall will send the Current MIX from the computer to the Motif XS when I open an Editor file. Restoring my Mix to my Motif XS.
I have the VOICE option set to OFF, as I don’t often need to reload all the User Voices (but you can set this as your prefer). If set to ON, then the Editor can restore all your USER1, USER2, USER3 and USER Drum Kit Voices to your Motif XS each time. It is your choice.
Auto Start is ON
Set the GENERAL SETTING as you prefer. The Keyboard Velocity function when set to “FREE†will change how loud the note plays by where on the keyboard icon KEY you click. This is pretty cool…
· Click OK
On the main Motif-Rack XS Editor screen you want to make sure that the Editor is ONLINE.
A bright blue dot appears next to ONLINE when you are communicating. In the left upper corner you will see the Modes: VOICE and MULTI followed by the “ONLINE†button.
Communication is bi-directional and simultaneous so selecting the mode here will change your hardware and vice-versa.
The ONLINE option has 3 status conditions. It will read either:
· *ONLNE w/blue dot – This means you are communicating and all is well
· *OFFLINE w/blue dot – you are temporarily offline but all is well
· OFFLINE – you have trouble. Please check your connections
The OFFLINE w/blue dot indicator is important because you will at some point need to make changes on the hardware and not have the software follow you. This can occur when you are looking for a MULTi already in the Motif-Rack XS – the Editor will attempt to synchronize each time you scroll through a song. Therefore it is useful to click this option when you want to temporarily break communication. You can click ON and OFFLINE as necessary.
If you change modes and go to VOICE mode on the Motif-Rack XS hardware front panel, the Motif-Rack XS Editor will go temporarily *OFFLINE w/blue dot.
On the Toolbar of the Motif-Rack XS Editor you will see the BULK option. This is what you use to request a bulk to (Transmit) or from (Receive) the Motif-Rack XS. You can select the Current MIX, and any of the USER Banks or ALL of the USER Banks.
Do not change your preference in the FILE > SETUP > AUTO SYNC SETTING – when you need to send or receive data from the Motif XS use this BULK option.
The Editor can be used in what is called “stand alone” mode, where it runs along side of your favorite DAW. When you want to work with the Motif-Rack XS you simply bring it forward, otherwise keep it hidden or minimized. When you are finished working, make sure you save a Motif-Rack XS Editor file (.X1E) - this will save all your data concerning the Motif-Rack XS.
For more details on working with the EDITOR please (please) click HELP on the tool bar and read the online Manual