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How to Create .WAV and/or AIFF with the AUDIOGRAM audio interface

Getting audio into your computer can be done easily with a USB Audio Interface like the Yamaha AudioGram3 or AudioGram6. This device offers a high-quality, cost-effective method to transfer audio to your computer via its USB connection. The AudioGram units are USB audio interfaces for Windows or Macintosh computers. They ship with Cubase AI and give you everything you need to create the audio data that can then be turned into CD Audio.


Cubase AI4
The CUBASE AI software bundled with the AUDIOGRAM series harnesses the power of the Steinberg CUBASE digital audio workstation to provide a set of advanced software tools that are easy to use while delivering extensive recording and production capabilities. In addition to advanced audio recording and editing, CUBASE AI offers a range of MIDI sequencing capabilities, an entire suite of VST effect plug-ins, and a HALionOne sample player featuring selected waves from the famed Yamaha MOTIF synthesizers.

Cubase AI program can be launched on either a Windows or Macintosh computer and is a full-fledged audio/MIDI digital audio workstation program. You can create .wav or aiff files directly from the audio outputs of your synthesizer. We get asked often “How do I save my sequence so I can burn a CD?” Well, it is not as simple as saving a MIDI sequence file – you must transfer your MIDI data to audio data. MIDI only represents the music – MIDI data cannot be heard directly. MIDI data is played to a tone generator and it is the sound of that tone generator that can be heard. It is the sound of that tone generator that can be turned into a .wav file (the default audio format for Windows) or to an AIFF (the default audio format for Macintosh).

Certainly one of the easiest and most economical ways is to use an interface like the AudioGram3 or AudioGram6. And although not expensive the AudioGram units offer you high quality results and easy operation.

Cubase AI is an entry-level version of the world renowned Cubase digital audio workstation software and is provided on the DVD included with the AudioGram3 and Audiogram6. You may already be working with Cubase AI as it comes with most Yamaha music production products (Motif XS, Motif-Rack XS, MO6/MO8, S90 ES, etc.

Connect the audio outputs of the synthesizer to the AudioGram and it connects to the computer via USB. It can be used to get live audio into the computer. In order to create a .wav file from which to burn a CD, we will create audio at 16-bit/44.1kHz.

Cubase AI is a very useful piece of software that gives you all the tools you need to edit your samples. It also allows you to use your computer screen for editing.

The AudioGram3 USB Audio interface features a Neutrik combination XLR/¼” jack on channel 1 and two ¼” inputs for stereo signals on channel 2 with a level switch for MIC/Instrument level inputs. Additionally, the AudioGram3 can provide +48V phantom power for condenser microphones (via channel 1). It has a Headphone jack useful for monitoring, stereo ¼” outputs. It is USB bus powered, so no additional power supply is required. The AudioGram3 has both ¼” and RCA inputs and outputs.

The AudioGram6 USB Audio interface features two Neutrik combination XLR/¼” jacks on channels 1 and 2, channels 3 and 4 are a stereo ¼” inputs as are channels 5 and 6. Channels 1 and 2 feature Yamaha’s new one knob compressor – excellent for vocals or whatever signal you bring in. Additionally the AudioGram6 can provide +48V phantom power for condenser microphones (via channel 1). The AudioGram6 not only has additional channels, it also has a separate control for DAW monitoring (critical if you are planning on using your AudioGram unit to overdub in the computer-based sequencer.

Both units provide signal/peak overload lights. In general, it is a good practice to turn the GAIN knobs up until you see the Peak/Overload light flash at the loudest peaks. You do not want to have it lit constantly (steady, steady would be bad), but happily flashing on and off is fine.

Recording from Synthesizer to computer

Setting up the AudioGram for recording
· Connect the AudioGram to a computer via USB.
· Use two audio cables to connect your synthesizer main L&R Outputs to the stereo Input channel of the AudioGram.
· Set the SELECT switch to “INST.”
· Connect the Outputs of the AudioGram to a quality sound system.

Although you can use standard audio drivers, we highly recommend that you go online and download the Yamaha USB ASIO driver. These will ensure low latency if you are planning on working extensively with your AudioGram. Latency is the delay caused by signal being run to and back from the computer – this will be an issue when you are attempting to play live to signal on the computer while recording (overdubbing).

Select your country
When the SEARCH RESULTS appear, confirm: AUDIOGRAM6
A list of available drivers and documents will appear. Select the Yamaha USB Audio driver appropriate for your computer’s operating system.

Since this article is going to mainly deal with transferring sequences you recorded in your synthesizer, latency will not be an issue. We are using the AudioGram simply to transfer our analog signal to Cubase. So no driver download is necessary in this case. We only call your attention to the YAMAHA USB ASIO driver because it will reduce latency tremendously when and if you plan on expanding your use of the AudioGram unit.

Starting Cubase AI
· Launch Cubase AI on the computer.
· Go to FILE and select NEW PROJECT
· Select NEW PROJECT > EMPTY Template > Click [OK]
· Select a destination folder or create one on the hard disk, then click [OK].
· Under the VST AUDIO SYSTEM heading select “YAMAHA USB AUDIO” as the ASIO DRIVER
· Once selected you can then move the cursor down the YAMAHA USB AUDIO option and open the CONTROL PANEL… set the unit for LOW LATENCY. Click OK
· On the main Track View screen right click and ADD TRACK (or go to PROJECT and then select ADD TRACK)… create a STEREO AUDIO TRACK
· Make sure the RED record and the TAN speaker icon are selected.

Recording into the Cubase AI program is very straight-ahead.

Press the red RECORD button on the Cubase transport, start playback of your sequence and sit back and relax. When recording is complete press STOP – the program will draw the waveform. You may want to test a portion of the data to ensure good record level. Once you are sure you have a decent record level go ahead and transfer your audio.

In general, you will see a green and red LED on the AudioGram unit to indicate signal. While it is okay to see the red indicator flash occasionally, it is not good to see it red steadily.

Trimming the wave to size is very intuitive using your mouse to define regions. In the time line just above the first track you can hold the [CTRL] key and click to set the LEFT marker. Then hold [ALT] and click to set the RIGHT marker. You will be able to export as a .wav all the data between the LEFT and RIGHT markers.

Mastering the program will take you just minutes.

CD Creation
Once you have recorded your music to a stereo audio track in Cubase, you can save the Project. With the Track data selected press the letter “P” on your QWERTY to set the start and end points. You can now use the FILE > EXPORT > AUDIO MIXDOWN to create the Type of audio file you need to burn your CD.
(.WAV (Windows) and/or AIFF (Macintosh); These are the common formats that your computer can burn to audio CD. Check the documentation of your computers CD creation software. In general, you should use the two formats mentioned above. Although with the proper expansion kit Cubase AI can export the data as .mp3 format (please see information about adding this functionality to AI on

Remember MP3 is not as high quality as .wav or aiff. It is a compression scheme that can reduce the size of the file greatly. This is particularly useful when uploading your file to the Internet or emailing it to a friend is your goal. The sound quality of the .wav or aiff file will be superior in most cases to any mp3 format.
