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Convert Motif ES and MO6/MO8 Data to the Motif XS and Motif XF

Converting Motif ES and MO6/MO8 Data to the Motif XS and Motif XF

The download includes information concerning converting data created on the Motif ES 6/7/8 or MO6/MO8 to the Motif XS. This was previously posted in the Behind the Manual section of the old Motifator site and is again useful for those moving from the Motif ES or MO to a Motif XS or a Motif XF.


Unzip the File.
Transfer the files which are in (.X0V) ALL VOICE file format, to your USB drive.
You can use the ALL VOICE, VOICE or 1 BANK VOICE File TYPE to load data from these files or you can open them using the Motif XS or Motif XF Editor.

Warning: The Voices may sound different because effect processors are different and in some instances a substitute waveform may be used.

The PDF article that is included in the zipped contents details how to convert SONG, PATTERNS, etc. that you may have created on the older MO or Motif ES.

Hope this helps…

Download zipped data:
