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Welcome to the support section.

MACINTOSH: Motif XF USB-MIDI Quick Setup Guide (Updated)
Download and Install the following…


VOCODER: You will find four Preset Voices in the Motif XS already setup for use with the Vocoder.…

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When you are using the Motif XS with the Yamaha Steinberg FW driver (YSFW) you need to verify the…

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If you have different Voice libraries , you may want to load a Bank of 128 Voices into one of the…

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INSERTION effects are applied to a particular Voice or Part in a Multi.

From Multi mode…

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The SWING RATE and GATE TIME parameters found in the OFFLINE Quantize Job (Motif and…

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This (downloadable) tutorial/article will go over the steps of sampling audio into the sequencer modes…

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The arpeggio functions on the MOX are complex. They are derived from the Motif-series and a brief…

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The thing about programming your own Voices is YOU must make the decisions about what sounds right.…

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