Sometimes choosing which physical controller is the right one for the job can be tricky… Here…
Recording the output of the Motif-Rack ES arpeggio can be a bit tricky but this article will give…
WINDOWS: Motif XF USB-MIDI Quick Setup Guide NOTE: This article is for those that are…
A quick setup guide to get going with Cubase and your Motif XF via the FW16E (firewire) option: Motif XF | Cubase | FW16E | Win | Windows | YSFW
The arpeggio functions on the Motif XS are complex. With each new version of Motif, the arpeggio function…
Motif stores Sample, Song, and Pattern data in volatile RAM, which means your own material will disappear…
FILE MANAGEMENT: Context Sensitive The Motif XS file system is context sensitive.…