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Welcome to the support section.

Sometimes choosing which physical controller is the right one for the job can be tricky… Here…

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Recording the output of the Motif-Rack ES arpeggio can be a bit tricky but this article will give…

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WINDOWS: Motif XF USB-MIDI Quick Setup Guide
NOTE: This article is for those that are…


A quick setup guide to get going with Cubase and your Motif XF via the FW16E (firewire) option: | | | | |


The arpeggio functions on the Motif XS are complex. With each new version of Motif, the arpeggio function…

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Motif stores Sample, Song, and Pattern data in volatile RAM, which means your own material will disappear…

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FILE MANAGEMENT: Context Sensitive
The Motif XS file system is context sensitive.…

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