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musicplayer > P50
New user music on Motifator:

Play Song Title Artist Date
Brahms Concerto Tony Escueta 27/Jan/2009
Top of the World Kenny Greenberg 27/Jan/2009
Wade in the Water Take 6 27/Jan/2009
Weak in the Knees Steve Hornebeak. 27/Jan/2009
44k Hz Test Upload Test 07/Feb/2009
Ocean Way Drums Solo2 Ocean Way 09/Sep/2009
Ocean Way Drums Solo Ocean Way 02/Sep/2009
DrumMasters PremTim Solo2 Sonic Reality 09/Sep/2009
Black is Back Motif XF 02/Aug/2010
To Live With Honor Motif XF 02/Aug/2010
Xs'd Up Motif XF 02/Aug/2010
Yours To Save Motif XF 02/Aug/2010
Down Here MOX 22/Apr/2011
Fractal T MOX 22/Apr/2011
Someday MOX 22/Apr/2011
Club WorX MOX 22/Apr/2011
Crunch Time MOX 22/Apr/2011
Laser Beam MOX 22/Apr/2011
Brachial MOXF 25/Oct/2013
Scrap MOXF 25/Oct/2013
Sick MOXF 25/Oct/2013
Pump Station MOXF 25/Oct/2013
Evolve MOXF 25/Oct/2013

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