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Viewing topic "An observant musician’s view of “Montage vs Motif”"

Posted on: July 14, 2024 @ 02:07 PM
Total Posts:  369
Joined  12-17-2013
status: Enthusiast

In a multi-year deep dive comparison between the Yamaha Montage, and the Yamaha Motif I’ve noticed the
following 10 distinctive traits that distinguish the instruments.

The Montage is power.  The Motif is beauty.
The Montage is inviting.  The Motif is selective.
The Montage is summer.  The Motif is spring.
The Montage has style.  The Motif exudes elegance.
The Montage is intricate.  The Motif is exquisite.
The Montage is spectacular. The Motif is refined.
The Montage is slick.  The Motif is chic.
The Montage exceeds.  The Motif triumphs.
The Montage shows boldness. The Motif shows grace.
The Montage is boundless.  The Motif is timeless.

If you own either one of these musical instruments you are fortunate indeed :-)

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