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Viewing topic "Out of Date literally."

Posted on: May 18, 2024 @ 01:58 AM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  05-18-2024
status: Newcomer

Hi all, I hope everything is well and you are enjoying whatever it is you are doing. I am only writing because I purchased the MOX F8 in 2017 and found myself having to leave the UK due to some important work commitments. I further had to uproot after a year and move to America. Sadly, I have been made redundant and have returned to the UK. I decided to get out a Yamaha keyboard that has only been used 50 times. I wanted to buy a 1 GB memory module, but the prices are extremely high. Then I thought of getting the 512 MB, but I learned that they are discontinued and are no longer sold. The keyboard itself is also discontinued, and I cannot download any new sounds for it as I do not have a flash memory card. Furthermore, there do not seem to be many new sounds to load into this keyboard.

Does anyone here have a memory card or even know of a place that sells them at a low cost? Is it even worth spending £100 or more for a card? It is truly disheartening. Any help would be appreciated.

Also I don’t have a PC just my phone so I can’t do anything that involves me changing stuff in the keyboard by hooking it up to a PC.

Many thanks guys.

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Posted on: May 18, 2024 @ 05:50 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast


The original FL512M and FL1024M flash memory boards are no longer being made, and stock dried up years ago. You can get a used one, of course, but I believe a series of compatible boards made by Mutec are still being sold. These work exactly like the originals, and also come in a 2GB variant.

Prices are what they are. Whether a flash module is worth the money, I would say, depends entirely on whether you will see a benefit from it or not. What you get is simply the ability to load custom waveforms for use in your voices.

Note: The flash module only holds the actual samples/waveforms. The voice programs that reference those waveforms are stored in the User voice banks of the instrument.

Since the MOXF does not have sampling capabilities built-in, any custom waveform has to be loaded onto the flash board from USB. I would point out that getting the samples onto a USB drive in the first place, whether you downloaded them from the internet or otherwise, would typically involve a computer (the same applies to voice libraries and other files too, of course).

Without a flash board, you’ll still be able to create or load voice libraries that are built from the nearly 4000 factory ROM waveforms. The MOXF is also compatible with voices created on a MOX or Motif XF.

- H -

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Posted on: May 18, 2024 @ 07:24 AM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  05-18-2024
status: Newcomer

Thanks for your kinda insight.  I have been quite resourceful and have used my. Mobile phone to download a firmware upgrade as well as 5 patches which is something like inspiration, edm, and some others.  I was then able to plug a USB adaptor and transfer these onto a USB, then take the USB to the keyboard.  I can load these up fine for as long as the samples box isn’t included and it complains I have no flash module, or space.

I assume there’s no way of removing all the sounds on the keyboard and using that space.


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Posted on: May 18, 2024 @ 07:37 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast

Well done with the phone; Quite resourceful, indeed!

Ethaniel-uk - 18 May 2024 07:24 AM

I can load these up fine for as long as the samples box isn’t included and it complains I have no flash module, or space.

Yes, withouth a flash board, only the voice program parameters can be loaded. I don’t have the same instrument, but I assume this results in voices that are silent, or where only those voice elements that point to waveforms in ROM can be heard. The option of loading without samples is mainly used when the same waveforms are already present on the flash board, to avoid duplication.

Ethaniel-uk - 18 May 2024 07:24 AM

I assume there’s no way of removing all the sounds on the keyboard and using that space.

If by “sounds” you mean the Preset voice banks or the ROM waveforms, you are correct.

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Posted on: May 18, 2024 @ 02:28 PM
Total Posts:  3
Joined  05-18-2024
status: Newcomer

This may be a duplicate post. Mobiles aren’t easy to use. Anyway, I think I will sell the Yamaha MOXF8, as it’s discontinued, and so are the flash modules. I don’t want to be spending silly money on something that is out of date. I appreciate the responses, though. Thanks.

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