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Viewing topic "Storing an edited Voice from a Performance into a Voice USER bank ????"

Posted on: May 07, 2024 @ 09:10 AM
Total Posts:  12
Joined  11-23-2013
status: Regular

Moxf8:  I’m in Performance Mode and I have edited one of the (4) Voices to a point that it sounds totally different than the original Voice before it was added into the Performance. 

I would like to Save that edited Voice in one of the locations in a VOICE USER bank. 

Is this possible?

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Posted on: May 11, 2024 @ 04:45 PM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast


Although I have no definitive answer to your question, I somehow doubt that. Some 3rd party editor/librarian software, like John Melas’ suite of editors, may be able to, although it is not specifically mentioned on the website.

- H -

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