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Viewing topic "mox and gig performer"

Posted on: May 01, 2024 @ 10:36 PM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  05-01-2024
status: Newcomer

Has anyone used gig performer with the mox?  I’d like to be able to send my program changes from GP and also switch to local off or vst-play mode while using the soft synths.  I’ve used the program to control my other keyboard but the mox doesn’t seem to recognize the commands.  I am able to play the soft synths with the mox so I know there is at least midi data going to the the program.

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Posted on: May 05, 2024 @ 10:05 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
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timdors - 01 May 2024 10:36 PM

I’ve used the program to control my other keyboard but the mox doesn’t seem to recognize the commands.

Assuming that your MIDI routing in Gig Performer is set up properly, the MOX should respond to MIDI data coming from the computer. Can you confirm that the MOX is able to recieve and play note data from other applications (e.g. a sequencer) on the computer?

A System Exclusive message is required to change the Local Switch parameter. SysEx parameters are per definition unique to the instrument (i.e. non-standard), and the corresponding messages are generally not recognized by other instrument models; If the MOX doesn’t react, the first step would therefore be to verify that you are indeed sending the correct message. The MOX Data List (see p.102 and 106) should provide you with the bytes to build the correct string. Note that some SysEx messages may only be recognized when the instrument is in a certain mode (Voice, Performance, Song, etc.).

Bank Select LSB/MSB and Program Change are standard MIDI messages. Are you having problems with those too?

- H -

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Posted on: May 07, 2024 @ 10:49 AM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  05-01-2024
status: Newcomer

I have been getting the note data to play the soft synth in GP.  I also have figured out how to receive the program changes when I am in the same mode.  I have not been able to automate changing from voice to perform or master.  I was trying to enter the command from page 72 of the Synthesizer Parameter manual.  There are a couple of extra numbers in there though.

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Posted on: May 07, 2024 @ 12:43 PM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast
timdors - 07 May 2024 10:49 AM

I was trying to enter the command from page 72 of the Synthesizer Parameter manual.

The SysEx section of the Synthesizer Parameter Manual is unfortunately written with a particular instrument in mind (S70XS/S90XS, by the looks of it), and should not be seen as a general set of parameters. The address bytes are the same (see below), but the Model ID bytes are specific to the instrument. Also, the Device Number is a user-definable setting on the instrument (default is usually 1), which has to be matched here. The entire string must be correct for your MOX to recognize the message.

For the Mode Change parameter, try this string instead:

F0 - Exclusive Status
43 - Yamaha ID
1n - Device Number (n= your instrument’s setting)
7F - Model ID
14 - Model ID
0A - Address High
00 - Address Mid
01 - Address Low
0d - Data (d=0: Voice, 1: Performance, 2: Pattern, 3: Song, 4: Master)
F7 - End of Exclusive

...and for the Local Switch parameter:

F0 - Exclusive Status
43 - Yamaha ID
1n - Device Number (n= your instrument’s setting)
7F - Model ID
14 - Model ID
00 - Address High
00 - Address Mid
09 - Address Low
0d - Data (d=0: off, 1: on)
F7 - End of Exclusive

Numerical values in hexadecimal format. Source: MOX Data List

Please let us know how it goes!

- H -

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Posted on: May 08, 2024 @ 05:46 AM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  05-01-2024
status: Newcomer

Thanks, I’ll probably not be able to try this until after the weekend.  I had to break down the setup for some rehearsals and gigs this weekend.  GP actually puts in the first and last bytes in the command automatically.  Do you know the model no. for the motif XS?  I could experiment with that in the meantime.

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Posted on: May 09, 2024 @ 06:52 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast
timdors - 08 May 2024 05:46 AM

Do you know the model no. for the motif XS?

No, but I could look it up in the Motif XS Data List (p.54).

The first Model ID of 7F seems to apply to most of the Motif and MO range (except for the Motif/Motif-Rack classic). For a Motif XS, the second Model ID is 03. The rest remains the same, and the above messages would then read:

Mode Change:

F0 - Exclusive status
43 - Yamaha ID
1n - Device Number
7F - Model ID
03 - Model ID
0A - Address High
00 - Address Mid
01 - Address Low
0d - Data
F7 - End of Exclusive

Local Switch:

F0 - Exclusive status
43 - Yamaha ID
1n - Device Number
7F - Model ID
03 - Model ID
00 - Address High
00 - Address Mid
09 - Address Low
0d - Data
F7 - End of Exclusive

- H -

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Posted on: May 14, 2024 @ 06:08 AM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  05-01-2024
status: Newcomer

Thank you very much!! These commands are working.

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Posted on: May 15, 2024 @ 12:03 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast

Thumbs up!

- H -

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