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Viewing topic "Sustain Pedal"

Posted on: March 07, 2024 @ 07:58 AM
Total Posts:  4
Joined  03-04-2024
status: Newcomer

I bought a used ES 8 but it did not come with a sustain pedal and the one from my Korg does not work and my universal pedal does not work i ordered a FC4a is there a way to test the jack to make sure its working or are there setting for changing the polarity?

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Posted on: March 07, 2024 @ 08:58 AM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast


The Motif ES doesn’t have a pedal polarity switch function. I believe Korg pedals have opposite normality (open/closed when released) and electrical polarity to Yamaha.

- H -

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Posted on: March 07, 2024 @ 03:49 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced


Hi. I have a Korg and a Yamaha FC4 sustain pedal - it does NOT fit the Korg ! It works perfectly with Yamaha Motif Es.

FZONE SP-2 UNIVERSAL SUSTAIN PEDAL - I take with Korg or with Yamaha, just switch polarity.

Resetting the Motif es is unlikely to help if the pedal polarity is wrong. I’ve been trying to find the “polarity reversal” function in the Yamaha Motif Es for a long time. but it’s not there.

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Posted on: March 07, 2024 @ 04:08 PM
Motif ES6
Total Posts:  91
Joined  08-31-2022
status: Experienced

1.The connector 6.3 in Yamaha Motif Es can be checked by inserting a plug with a cable 6.3 or just a plug into the sustain socket and closing the two contacts on the open plug or on the other side of the cable - it will be clear whether your connector works in the synthesizer.
But this is with an understanding of the technology and some experience, otherwise it is not recommended, it is better to wait for the pedal!

2. Your pedal from Korg should work the other way around with the synthesizer (if it is working) - just the sound will not stop = it means the connector is working! You can insert the pedal first and then turn on the synthesizer.

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