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Viewing topic "Issue in the performance mode"

Posted on: December 23, 2023 @ 08:53 AM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  12-22-2023
status: Newcomer

On the performance mode, in many presets part(voice) 4 shows distorted noise.
I check the voice itself in the voice mode, and found ok, the voice behaves like that in the performance mode only.
And this distorted noise is disappeared when push bottom “insertion”, or disable the insertion on part 4 particularly, voice became normal but without the assigned effect, i.e. the effect itself seems the cause of this distorted noise, even with changing the effects, issue persists.

I did the factory reset and issue is persisting.

I followed the trouble shootings in the manual, and nothing worked.

Did anyone face this issue before?

Thanks in advance

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