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Viewing topic "MOXF Editor - old version for Mac"

Posted on: October 18, 2023 @ 07:42 AM
Total Posts:  54
Joined  09-05-2012
status: Experienced

Hi there,
I’m after the editor software for MOXF6 - I do need an old version as my MAC is on OS 10.12. The version of the editor I currently have seems to be corrupted and won’t start up or install without giving me errors. Is there anywhere I can obtain a download of an old version that will be compatible with my OS.

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Posted on: October 18, 2023 @ 12:52 PM
- Henry -
Total Posts:  237
Joined  10-30-2011
status: Enthusiast


For MacOS 10.12, the editor versions 1.6.7 to 1.6.9 would have you covered. Unfortunately, only earlier and later versions than that seem to be available at the Yamaha website…

- H -

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