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Viewing topic "Ethernet solved"

Posted on: August 27, 2023 @ 12:52 PM
Total Posts:  686
Joined  10-14-2008
status: Guru

Ive been a 10yr owner of the XF and back in 2015 (I think) there were many threads about connecting to a PC via ethernet.  I connected once back then, but after a few moves, I could never repeat.

So I went and bought a crossover ethernet cable at office depot and after way too much time, I finally nailed it, and it’s been doing well for a month now.  I did set the connection to automatically mount when I start the XF.

This subject may be a moot point if all of you are connected or really don’t care.  Now that I’m back messing with 30 proprietary voice files, a ton of midi, and other downloads, having this direct connection has been phenomenal.  no more usb needed. 

just throwing this out there in case anyone is interested in the details.
i check this site every couple weeks so if you’re interested it may be quicker to PM me.

i’m i louisiana and after 23 straight days of over-100 degrees, i’m ready for some cooling off.
take care

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