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Viewing topic "FC7 to control volumes of parts in a performance"

Posted on: July 24, 2023 @ 04:03 AM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  07-24-2023
status: Newcomer

Hello, after a decade I purchased an expression pedal (FC7) and I’m having some difficulties.

I vould like to create a performance with, say, 3 layers. Piano strings and organ.

Is possible for me to use the fc7 to control the volume only of string and organs? Leaving the piano invariable?
In example starting with 100% volume on strings and piano, using the pedal I would oike to increase the organs from 0 to 100% and reduce the string from 100 to 0 (or even some in between values)

Is this possible?
Can I reverse control the volume of a track?

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