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Viewing topic "Getting back user patches without a total reset - Sysex files with “factory” patches?"

Posted on: June 24, 2023 @ 07:30 AM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  01-25-2011
status: Experienced

The MOXF is my workhorse, and I almost always use Performances to hold my patches for live work. As such, over the years nearly every USER PERFORMANCE has been replaced.

Now I have a couple situations where I’d like to get the factory performance back (e.g., Dark Continent), but can’t find the SYSEX or .X6? files anywhere online (probably just missing something (searched the forum with multiple queries and didn’t get anything… but might have missed something… ugh).

I do not want to do a factory reset and lose all of the ones that I current have customized…

I have the Yamaha and Melas editors/librarians, so either format works for me…

Thanks in advance-

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Posted on: June 24, 2023 @ 01:05 PM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  01-25-2011
status: Experienced

As usual the answer appeared after I posted.

The John Melas Total Librarian comes with a library of the original performance (and every other) user patches. Once I tracked down where the installation directory was, I was able to get it handled.

Call it solved.


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