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Viewing topic "Gettin it done in ‘22"

Posted on: September 28, 2022 @ 08:34 PM
Total Posts:  369
Joined  12-17-2013
status: Enthusiast

Using my Motif XF 8 in Master Mode, got my MOX 8, MM8, Clav 535, QY100, and Ipad (Waldorf Nave) each in their own Zone on the Motif XF8.

The whole thing is tied together using the Motu 128 Express XT

Motu 128 Express XT

I submix and track the audio for the Motif XF and each Zone into

Tascam Model 12

and mix and master the dang thang on the:

Tascam DP 24 SD Portastudio

Smooth as butter..........

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