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Viewing topic "Sending a MIDI lyrics track from XS7 to iPad"

Posted on: April 05, 2022 @ 10:42 AM
Total Posts:  73
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Experienced


For performances, I’m using Song mode on my XS7 to play MIDI sequences I’ve downloaded. I discovered that my harmonizer track can still be fed, via MIDI OUT, to my harmonizer and it works like a champ. But I also have my MIDI Lyrics as a track on each song. Shouldn’t I be able to control an iPad teleprompter of some sort. I need to know what iOS app would work. I doubt that OnSong or SongBook would work since they are made to show lyrics that you enter using their interface. But can these apps (or ANY) actually input a MIDI lyrics channel and display it in real time as the sequence progresses. I created the lyrics tracks in SONAR if that helps. I’m hoping that ONSONG allows this because I still need a lyrics app in general.


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Posted on: April 26, 2022 @ 01:19 AM
Total Posts:  94
Joined  06-13-2014
status: Experienced

Firstly I presume the files are in .mid format and not XS format.
A Google search shows a few apps that are capable of playing midi karaoke files and displaying the lyrics in real time ie Sweet etc
I do not know if any of these apps are able to send/receive MIDI to an external instrument via an Apple USB/camera adapter though.
I see that Onsong is able to handle midi files and did state the use of various MIDI connectors. Recommend that you perhaps contact the provider and have specific queries answered.
I presume that you wish to play along to the song using the XS internal tone generator while the lyrics scroll along in sync??
Years ago I had a PSR2100 Arranger keyboard with Vocal Harmony and a video out RCA jack which would mirror the lyrics on screen to an external monitor. Insert a disk of midi karaoke files and off you go!!

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Posted on: April 27, 2022 @ 07:02 AM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  04-27-2022
status: Newcomer

how much money does a sponsor giveI’ve been searching for some decent stuff on the subject and haven’t had any luck up until this point, You just got a new biggest fan!..

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