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Viewing topic "Thinking about buying a Motif-ES rack"

Posted on: December 14, 2021 @ 12:33 PM
Total Posts:  2
Joined  12-14-2021
status: Newcomer

Hi all, I’d very much appreciate some advice on the ES rack. I used to own a Motif ES 6 keyboard which I regret selling over 10 years ago. There are a whole host of those percussive and mallet sounds which I’d like to use in some pieces I’m writing at the moment.

1. Does the ES rack have all of the instruments that the ES keyboards have?
2. Does it plug into my audio interface?
3. Do I need to download software for it to work in Logic/Mac etc?
4. Will my DAW record the digital data so I can move recorded notes around in the piano roll etc?
5. If anyone knows of one in good condition for sale in the UK please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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