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Viewing topic "motif xs editor in cubase 11"

Posted on: December 12, 2021 @ 12:06 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  02-25-2009
status: Newcomer

I have a question regarding the Motif XS as a VST instrument with Cubase. If this has already been covered, sorry for my query. Point me to where I can find the information and I’ll try and figure it out from there.

mid 2012 MacBook Pro, Yosemite with Motif XS editor V1.3.0 and Cubase 8
migrating to
mid 2012 MacBook Pro, Mojave with Motif XS editor V1.6.6 and Cubase 11

I’ve long been using the Motif XS editor V1.3.0 which automatically launches within Cubase 8.0 (Studio Manager 2.2) and sets appropriate voices into the Motif XS when opening a project.
I’m migrating to Mojave with the Motif XS editor V1.6.6 and Cubase 11. I’ve been able to create and save new projects using the XS editor to set voices in the Motif, and have the editor launch and automatically sync voices when the project opens again in Cubase. However, I haven’t had any success at syncing projects made with the older configuration. Files open with all the tracks and data, but the editor does not launch and I can’t seem to find where the program data is to set the voices.
If you need further details, please let me know.
Again, sorry if this has been covered before, if someone could point me to the appropriate threads I’d be grateful.

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Posted on: September 28, 2022 @ 03:24 AM
Total Posts:  9
Joined  02-19-2011
status: Newcomer

Hi Richard, I think I have the same problem, due to the same Hardware confiuration.
I worry that the connection Motif to Mac won’t be supportet with mojave :-(

If in that forum someone has a better solution/answer.

I reactivate an older PC-System (Windows XP) to use the sound editor in combination with the motif. This could be a little help.


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