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Viewing topic "Motif XS sounds out of tune"

Posted on: August 08, 2021 @ 02:43 PM
Total Posts:  2
Joined  03-06-2003
status: Newcomer

We just started our church services back after being out over a year. The keyboard has been at the church and not played. Whenever I start to play it sounds very out of tune in comparison to our other keyboards. We also have a motif XF and original motif. They sound fine. None of the keyboards were played while we were out. What could be the problem?

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Posted on: August 11, 2021 @ 08:38 AM
Total Posts:  17
Joined  02-26-2021
status: Regular

First place to look is the global tuning parameters. Press the “Utility” button and then look under the “Play” tab. Under the “Tone Generator” parameters the “Note Shift” should be set to “+0semi” and the “Tune” should be set to “+0.0cents (440.0Hz)”. Under the “Keyboard” parameters the transpose setting should be set to “+0semi”. Press the “Store” button to save any changes.

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