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Total Posts: 73
Joined 07-22-2003 status: Experienced |
Hi, I’m using a MOTIF XS7 with Sonar X3 Studio. My MIDI mode is USB and a MIDI track plays just fine in Pattern mode but refuses to record. Strangely, it *does* allow me to record midi in Performance mode. Normally I can simply select a track in Sonar, arm it, select pattern->mixing on the synth, and press R. I must have inadvertently changed some setting on either the DAW or the synth. MIDI Synch is set to MIDI currently on the synth but I’ve tried internal as well. One other observation of note is that the track meter is active when I record in PERF mode but inactive (no bars) when I record in Pattern mode. Any direction or clue is appreciated.
Total Posts: 73
Joined 07-22-2003 status: Experienced |
On the off chance that anyone else has this problem, the Track tab of the Pattern I was on had Int checked but not Ext. Check Ext for any track you want to record midi from and you’ll be good to go. Cheers! |
Total Posts: 73
Joined 07-22-2003 status: Experienced |
As an additional reminder (mostly for myself), make sure that the XS is still set as your MIDI input device and use All Inputs -> MIDI Omni as your input. |