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Viewing topic "Using two Mono channels instead of single Stereo channel"

Posted on: February 16, 2021 @ 04:10 PM
Total Posts:  542
Joined  11-01-2003
status: Guru

(NOTE: I have rewritten this post slightly to perhaps make more sense and elicit more responses.)

I have a Yamaha MG10XU mixer and MOXF. I use this rig for live performance. I’m wondering if there is any upside/downside to giving each feed from the MOXF it’s own Mono channel—instead of putting both cables into the Stereo channel. Does the type of cable (TR vs TRS, etc) make any difference when it comes to MONO vs Stereo channels?

The reason is even after careful mixing and leveling—in an effort to keep things “flat” enough to work in a variety of venues, indoors, outdoors, etc., I’m often taken by surprise when some instrument, snare drum, bass guitar, guitar solo, is suddenly WAY too loud in the mix.

The MG10XU does not have Mid range EQ on the stereo channels and I feel like I need to be able to better control the EQ based on the size and shape and acoustics of the venue. The MONO channels on the MG10XU have Hi/Mid/Low EQ bands. I’m not sure why the stereo channel would NOT have all three. I assume there is some “sweep” going on, but my instinct is to want more control then that.

Will having 3 band me EQ help to “tune” things to a particular location or setting? Or is there some other option, like compression or ??? Is it possible I need a more sophisticated mixer?

I have of course gone ahead and tried using two Mono channels and it seems to sound exactly the same when I A/B the Stereo/Mono with all EQ “flat”.

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