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Viewing topic "Poll: Best DAW for me"

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Posted on: March 12, 2021 @ 04:51 PM
Total Posts:  144
Joined  08-21-2020
status: Pro

I believe you may be right regarding the reason they stopped producing these hardware recorders.

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Posted on: March 12, 2021 @ 05:45 PM
Total Posts:  369
Joined  12-17-2013
status: Enthusiast
PeteParsons - 12 March 2021 04:51 PM

I believe you may be right regarding the reason they stopped producing these hardware recorders.

Yes I think so.  Also I didn’t know that Roland sold the 2480, 1880, 1680 etc.

Wow these are nice, and you can still find them on Ebay etc.  Roland claims to have sold more than 250,000 hardware recorders worldwide.  whoaa!  I be willing to bet most of them are still in use by happy owners.

Motif Sequencer + a Yamaha 1600/2400 Roland 2480, Tascam DP is a superior recording solution if you’re on the keyboard side of things.  The Motif is a world class Midi Recording Studio in its own right.  And these hardware audio workstations are world class and combining the two, imo makes for a very productive workflow.

Most Plugins cannot match the effects inside of the Motif or hardware units.
I’ve not come across any VST sounds that sound better than my Motif. Not one.  Although Omnisphere is truly a beast of a VST, if any VST had a chance it would be Omnisphere.  The only synthesizer hardware or software that really truly competes is the Montage. The FM-X ,and FM morph and the motion control is formidable.

From a recording, simplicity, practical, and cost point of view you really can’t beat these hardware recorders.

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Posted on: March 12, 2021 @ 07:45 PM
Total Posts:  144
Joined  08-21-2020
status: Pro

I agree. I’ve been following several people on YT giving advice on recording, mixing and mastering. One individual Sonic scoop made an interesting statement. He said extra tools are a luxury, not a necessity.

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Posted on: March 13, 2021 @ 12:03 AM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

What’s happened to this thread?

Why can’t DAWs and portable recorders exist alongside each other? Why can’t users of this forum exist alongside each other.

When I originally replied to muscarella, I was very aware of how this thread could end up, and I made sure not to give him any kind of personal preference or bias, at least until I couldn’t avoid it.  Basically, just some information, covering a range of products that may help. (and not much about what I thought of them)

What followed and followed and followed is nothing but bias, conjecture, thinly veiled hostility and not so thinly veiled hostility.

This thread is like the perennial and typically childish ‘DAW Wars’ threads you can read all over the internet.  They typically end up locked or worse.

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Posted on: March 13, 2021 @ 01:21 PM
Total Posts:  9578
Joined  12-09-2008
status: Administrator

philwoodmusic took the words right out of my mouth on what this thread has become.  The lady behind the desk is closing comments.

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