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Viewing topic "How to ‘midi’ my Motif XS with the Roland Fantom?"

Posted on: November 01, 2020 @ 11:34 AM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  01-08-2009
status: Experienced

Hi all,

Advancing on buying the Fantom I would like to know :

How do I control my Motif XS?

To be specific: when I select a scene in the Fantom I would like the Motif XS to go to a specific Motif sound /performance ‘automatically’.

I am not that deep into midi (except just midi keyboard controllers).

Is what I ask possible and how complex is it (not) to program that? How should I do it? I couldn’t find a specific explanation or tutorial as such. Hope this is the right thread

Thank you in advance.


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Posted on: November 05, 2020 @ 09:41 AM
Total Posts:  114
Joined  01-22-2010
status: Pro

I played a G7 with my xs6 a number of years ago.  Had the xs6 first.  In addition to learning how to program the G7, I had to learn about the Motif’s msb and lsb values (they are in the manual).  Below are two links specific to programming the G with the XS msb and lsb values per motif voice.

I used the G7 as the controller because it had more space to work with than my XS6. I did not like the fact that the Roland programming paths were so different from the Motif’s programming paths.  I liked the Motif sounds better. I now play an XS7 and XS6 together.

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Posted on: November 05, 2020 @ 03:40 PM
Total Posts:  57
Joined  01-08-2009
status: Experienced

Wow Yahhamm,

Thanks a lot for your reply, very clear to me.

Yes I will definitely check out the links.

And I really understand what you say about the XS sounds:-)


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