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Viewing topic "Multi File (.X1E) Compatibility Question"

Posted on: August 08, 2020 @ 05:57 PM
Total Posts:  39
Joined  08-15-2015
status: Regular

Hi Guys. I’m shopping for a new keyboard, and thought it would be a good idea just to ask. Can .X1E files be loaded onto any of the other Yamaha keyboards? I really do love the Multis I’ve created on my Rack XS, and was curious if they can be ported onto another instrument. Thanks!

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Posted on: August 08, 2020 @ 07:25 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

As far as I know, Rack XS Multis are incompatible with the current “successors” to the Motif XF. There’s a certain level of compatibility with the Motif XS keyboard and XF models (both discontinued) - I know that the XS and XF Editors can each open X1E files.

That would allow User Voices to be loaded to an XS or XF. The question is how the Multi from each X1E file would be treated. The keyboard models don’t have the Rack’s 4-Part Multi mode, they have 16-Part Song and Pattern modes.

This older thread might offer some insight:

If you’re willing to post an X1E file (zip it before attaching), I’d be willing to see what the XF Editor and my XF can do with it.

Perhaps other members have experience with this.

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Posted on: August 08, 2020 @ 11:56 PM
Total Posts:  39
Joined  08-15-2015
status: Regular

Thanks 5-pin. I’m gonna take a road trip tomorrow to go and check out a MODX7 that’s up for sale. I don’t think that particular instrument does much with multis or performance tracks, but it may be the best (and most affordable) option for my church in general. That being said, please don’t knock yourself out trying to “fit a square peg into a round hole” if the X1E file doesn’t want to play nice. Obviously, I am curious to know if it is possible as I may yet try to use the Motif XF7 as a controller for my Rack XS and ultimately replace it. Thanks Again for all your help!

File Attachments
Coconut  (File Size: 167KB - Downloads: 425)
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Posted on: August 09, 2020 @ 08:12 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

No problem. I opened your X1E after setting the XF Editor for Type “MOTIF XF Editor Files”. Song Parts were as follows:
1 Dry Standard Kit - Receive Chan 1
2 Djembe - Receive Chan 2
3 Marimba - Receive Chan 3
4 Pan Sphere - Receive Chan 4
5 DX Woody - Receive Chan 1
6 Coconuts Random - Receive Chan 1
7-12 Default (Full Concert Grand)

I selected an unused Song location on my XF, placed the Editor ONLINE, and sent the CURRENT data to the XF. The XF Song Parts were set up as above. However, things didn’t seem to be quite as I imagined you wanted them to sound. Turning on “Parameter with Voice” for Coconuts Random (and re-selecting the Voice) and hitting the ARPEGGIO button seemed appropriate.

Presuming that the Parts are as you intended, it appears that using the XF Editor can successfully load a Rack XS Multi to an XF Song location, although slight tweaking might be needed.

(By the way, this is the forum for the original Rack Motif, so Rack XS owners might not come across this thread.)

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