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Viewing topic "Pendulum Walk by Steve Pas"

Posted on: April 27, 2019 @ 07:54 PM
Steve Pas
Total Posts:  87
Joined  02-29-2008
status: Experienced

Greetings all,
I am now officially way ahead of last year as I have doubled my output of 2018. Hope you like this one, it is a bit darker and moodier than my recent song postings.

File Attachments
Pendulum Walk.mp3  (File Size: 5741KB - Downloads: 571)
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Posted on: September 18, 2019 @ 05:31 AM
marky_markuk ( Maxxuk )
Total Posts:  327
Joined  05-31-2007
status: Enthusiast

Wish I could put even one track together. It’s been so long since I put anything out. I love the low end. What did you use for that? It’s really nice overall.


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Posted on: September 20, 2019 @ 05:09 PM
Steve Pas
Total Posts:  87
Joined  02-29-2008
status: Experienced

Hey Marky,
Thanks for the listen.  The low end bass line was provided by one of the stock bass category voices from my trusty MO8, Fundamentl (PRE3, A09,) I think I probably did some EQ modification in my DAW to give it the sound it has in this project.  It turned out pretty cool how different locations on the keyboard provide some different feels out of the same voice.

Steve Pas

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