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Viewing topic "Moving from FL1 to FL2"

Posted on: October 04, 2017 @ 06:14 PM
Total Posts:  77
Joined  01-06-2004
status: Experienced

Hi everyone.
I already have in my motif XF one flash memory.
I’m planning to buy a new one (even if is still expansive)for a better organization of my sounds libraries. 

My doubt is:

samples of All my sounds are actually (of course) in FL1. Loading my backup file I can direct FL1 to FL2, but do I have to program each sounds to direct the samples from FL1 to FL2 ?

I know that moving from USR samples to FL1 the system automatically changes each sound, but in this case? Is it the same? I can’t try by myself because I still haven’t FL2.

Thanks for reply.


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Posted on: October 04, 2017 @ 10:01 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
maxweb - 04 October 2017 06:14 PM

Hi everyone.
I already have in my motif XF one flash memory.
I’m planning to buy a new one (even if is still expansive)for a better organization of my sounds libraries. 

My doubt is:

samples of All my sounds are actually (of course) in FL1. Loading my backup file I can direct FL1 to FL2, but do I have to program each sounds to direct the samples from FL1 to FL2 ?

When you direct Waveforms/Samples to FL2 that originated on FL1 in your file, all the Voices will point to the new locations. Otherwise, it would be quite a mess anytime a library had FL1 Waveforms and you wanted to install them to FL2.


maxweb -

I know that moving from USR samples to FL1 the system automatically changes each sound, but in this case? Is it the same? I can’t try by myself because I still haven’t FL2.

If you only wanted to move a few Waveforms from FL1 to FL2, and have the Voices that used the Waveforms re-pointed, that could be done. You would use the “Copy from Flash Memory” Job, then use “Copy to Flash Memory” and direct the Waveforms to FL2, one at a time.

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Posted on: October 04, 2017 @ 10:08 PM
Total Posts:  77
Joined  01-06-2004
status: Experienced


Many thanks 5pinDIN.

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