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Viewing topic "Changing the Insert Effects in Performance Mode?"

Posted on: March 16, 2017 @ 08:49 PM
Mighty Motif Max
Total Posts:  317
Joined  04-30-2016
status: Enthusiast


Is it possible to change the insert effects of a voice in Performance mode? For example, change an amp simulation to a delay? Or not? It is possible that I am just blind and am missing something. Thanks!


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Posted on: March 16, 2017 @ 08:53 PM
Total Posts:  3116
Joined  10-05-2011
status: Guru

Insert Effects come in with the VOICE.

They can simply be activated...or a PART in PERFORMANCE Mode.

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Posted on: March 16, 2017 @ 10:34 PM
Mighty Motif Max
Total Posts:  317
Joined  04-30-2016
status: Enthusiast
cmayhle - 16 March 2017 08:53 PM

Insert Effects come in with the VOICE.

They can simply be activated...or a PART in PERFORMANCE Mode.

OK. Thanks!


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