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Viewing topic "►♫ Free Arp Management Software ♫◄"

Posted on: April 15, 2016 @ 01:19 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

Some Motifator members have noted that loading new User Arps overwrites previous ones. It can sometimes be convenient to combine two or more Arp files into one, so that all of the Arps are available simultaneously. Although commercial software is available to do that and more, the purchase might not always be merited.

I’ve created a Windows program, Arps-Plus, that can combine two XS or XF Arp files, or one of each, into one Arp file. The Arps can also be extracted from “All” files. See the attached Readme file for installation and other details.

Also attached are XSpand_Arps.X0G (Arps from XSpand Your World) and EDMEXP_Arps.X3G (Arps from EDM Expansion). They can be copied to the folder where Arps-Plus is located, and experimented with.

Before using Arps-Plus, please save your current data to an “All” file. That way you can load files produced by Arps-Plus, but return to your own data if/when needed.

I hope you find Arps-Plus useful. The program has been run on a few systems and seems to be working well, but I’d appreciate reports of any difficulties with it.

You can download the files here:

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Posted on: September 11, 2016 @ 10:58 AM
Total Posts:  679
Joined  02-12-2006
status: Guru

Thanks for putting efforts to do such tool, appreciate it.
I wonder though if there’s any arp maker allows features like break point.

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Posted on: November 02, 2018 @ 07:48 AM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

I found a very minor bug in version 1.00. It’s been corrected in the updated version 1.01 files. Please see my November 2018 post on page 3 of the thread linked above:

By the way, Arps-Plus can be used to extract and convert Arps in XF files (X3A/X3G) to X0G ones loadable to the XS. Just choose the X3A/X3G as the first file, and Arps+_One-Note.X3G (supplied with the Arps-Plus downloads) as the second. Select file type “For XS”, and the resulting Arp file will have all the XF Arps, plus one additional at the end which can be ignored.

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