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Viewing topic "FC7 Fade in/out sustain issue"

Posted on: July 20, 2015 @ 03:30 PM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  07-03-2015
status: Newcomer

I am having an issue with my sustain pedal not working after I fade out a part.

I have created a New Performance with piano/strings layered. I have assigned the FC7 to the strings part and unchecked the piano part. I can fade in/out the stings like I want however, when I fade them out my sustain pedal doesn’t work anymore with just the piano part.

I’m sure there is an easy fix, but I am a newbie and can’t find it in the manual. Please help.


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Posted on: July 20, 2015 @ 09:56 PM
Total Posts:  851
Joined  06-05-2011
status: Guru

Hi Presto, welcome to Motifator.
In Performance edit, select your part containing the piano voice and verify that the Sus (sustain) box is checked. I believe you’ve indicated that you have deselected Exp (Expression) for the same part. Also the instrument in question is a MOXF?


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Posted on: January 11, 2016 @ 08:22 PM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  01-15-2009
status: Regular

This post is pretty old, so maybe it’s been resolved, but I had the same issue and just figured it out: make sure you’re on the “1 Part” version of the “RCV SW” tab, with the list of check boxes for various different controllers.  On the top of the display, notice that it says “Part 01”; you can select different parts with the element buttons on the right side of the keyboard panel.  Each element has its own list, so just make sure the sustain box is checked for both piano and strings, and that the expression box is checked only on the strings part.

Until figuring this out, I’d been muting the strings during performances with the part mute buttons, which worked okay, but not ideal.  This works vastly better.  However, it’s worth noting that it does have the downside of pretty drastically reducing your polyphony; you might not be able to hear the strings, but the synth is still technically “playing” them, and the piano notes you’ll be able to sustain at a time will be reduced accordingly.  Which is a pity; I have a performance with piano and two string parts (one string part up an octave) and the piano part is pretty much unplayable as a piano without actually switching off the string parts.  One of these days I’ll spring for a MOXF for that 128 note polyphony.

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