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Viewing topic "Pattern Mode Playback Question"

Posted on: April 19, 2015 @ 08:07 PM
Total Posts:  19
Joined  03-01-2015
status: Regular

Maybe this is well known?
Is there a way execute playback for the whole measure of a Section instead of it getting interrupted if I press another Section key too early?

i.e. say section A is 8 measures long, I want this to play entirely after I press section B and not have to wait until measure 7 before going to another section?


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Posted on: April 19, 2015 @ 09:13 PM
Total Posts:  686
Joined  10-14-2008
status: Guru

I’m not aware of a way to do this, other than chaining a few together.  I do like your suggestion though; the ability to simply press several sections at once and have them play through that way, rather than waiting to the last measure in each section to press the next section.

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Posted on: April 19, 2015 @ 09:33 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
mlanier - 19 April 2015 08:07 PM

Is there a way execute playback for the whole measure of a Section instead of it getting interrupted if I press another Section key too early?

i.e. say section A is 8 measures long, I want this to play entirely after I press section B and not have to wait until measure 7 before going to another section?

You’re not the first to ask about this. Here’s a thread concerning the MO, from over eight years ago:

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Posted on: April 20, 2015 @ 10:30 AM
Total Posts:  683
Joined  10-21-2005
status: Guru

Everyone offers the chain feature as a solution to this question… But the chain feature makes you lose ALL the flexibility of patterns in a live performance.  If you wanted to “record the song in a set order” you would just use song mode from the start… Right???

I do understand the purpose of the chaining feature and that it allows you to teatime record “punch-in” sections of the song into a linear recording… Which is great.  But it doesn’t really help people that want to use the pattern sequencer in a live setting.

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Posted on: October 06, 2024 @ 07:06 AM
Total Posts:  12
Joined  02-16-2018
status: Regular

did you ever figure out how to change sections on the fly and play to the end without using pattern chain .....

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