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Viewing topic "Cubase, MOX and iPad"

Posted on: December 02, 2014 @ 01:43 PM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  08-27-2012
status: Regular


Apologies if this is already answered (or is too much off topic)…

I have a Yamaha MOX, Cubase 7 running on Windows 8 64bit and an iPad Air.  I’m interested in running the iPad from the DAW alongside my MOX.  Is there a combination of hardware/drivers, etc. that would allow me to do this? i.e.:

1. Send MIDI from the DAW into the iPad
2. Receive Audio from the iPad into the DAW

I currently route MIDI and Audio between Cubase and the MOX using the Steinberg driver.  So I guess the most straight forward way to route Audio from the iPad to Cubase would be to use the Audio input on the MOX.  I also have a Yamaha stage piano connected to the MOX MIDI port so I’d ideally want a direct way to take the MIDI into the computer from the iPad.  I’m also wary of something like an iConnectMIDI since I believe this appears as another audio i/face to the computer, and I’m afraid of clashing with the Steinberg Audio driver.

Anyone done something like this?


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Posted on: December 04, 2014 @ 11:58 AM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  08-27-2012
status: Regular


The reason I posted here is that I’m worried that if I use something with its own audio USB driver it might conflict with the Steinberg USB driver.  I thought people here might have some experience of that.

If there is likely going to be a conflict, then I should aim to return the audio through the MOX’s audio interface and make sure that whatever device I get for the iPad has an audio out.  If there are no worries about conflicts, then I think something like an iConnectMIDI would work, which I presume has its own audio USB driver to get audio into the PC as it doesn’t appear to have audio out.

The aim:  Get MIDI from Cubase into the iPad.  Get Audio from the iPad into Cubase, using some lightning connector device.


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Posted on: December 04, 2014 @ 01:21 PM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru

To avoid a conflict of any kind it might be a good idea to leave things as they are and use a 5 Pin Din MIDI cable to extend out and create what is called a daisy chain.

I’m pretty sure it would work…

Leave your MOX cabled via USB for MIDI and Audio, make it the Audio interface in Cubase.

Leave the Stage Piano as it is also.

Then cable the Stage Piano’s MIDI THRU to the MIDI IN of whatever you decide to use as a MIDI interface for your iPad.

Any audio from the iPad can be recorded using the MOX’s A/D inputs as you’ve already suggested.

The disadvantage of a MIDI daisy chain is that all 16 MIDI channels have to be shared in any number across the devices in the chain unless you want to stack sounds from different devices up together.

So, it really depends on how you want to use them.

I don’t think that will be a problem for you, though, based on the info so far.

I suppose a really good question is what are you using the iPad for?

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Posted on: December 05, 2014 @ 11:16 AM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  08-27-2012
status: Regular

Thank you philwoodmusic!

I think you’re right - best to avoid potential conflicts with drivers etc.  I guess the only disadvantage is that I don’t get iPad audio into the PC digitally, but it’s probably the safer option.

What am I using the iPad for?  Lots of cool, cheap virtual instruments - that’s what!  For example, I don’t see the need to buy Z3TA+ on the PC when I’ve already got it sitting on the iPad.


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Posted on: December 05, 2014 @ 06:00 PM
Total Posts:  1055
Joined  07-01-2013
status: Guru
jpearce - 05 December 2014 11:16 AM

I guess the only disadvantage is that I don’t get iPad audio into the PC digitally, but it’s probably the safer option.

That’s no real disadvantage at all, the analogue outputs sound great.  Use good quality cables and you’ll be good.

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Posted on: December 10, 2014 @ 08:57 AM
Total Posts:  994
Joined  08-20-2007
status: Guru

jpearce - 04 December 2014 11:58 AM


The reason I posted here is that I’m worried that if I use something with its own audio USB driver it might conflict with the Steinberg USB driver.  I thought people here might have some experience of that.

If there is likely going to be a conflict, then I should aim to return the audio through the MOX’s audio interface and make sure that whatever device I get for the iPad has an audio out.  If there are no worries about conflicts, then I think something like an iConnectMIDI would work, which I presume has its own audio USB driver to get audio into the PC as it doesn’t appear to have audio out.

The aim:  Get MIDI from Cubase into the iPad.  Get Audio from the iPad into Cubase, using some lightning connector device.


I have noticed today your question, hope that you are still interested. I have MOXF, but suppose that it is similar. You should use lightning to USB connector like Camera Connection Kit from previous iPad. I have iPad2, so that’s my case.
If you have iOS 7.1 or higher, you could transmit both audio and MIDI to/from iPad. Than, to get MIDI from Cubase into the iPad you could use 5-pin MIDI on MOX connected to Cubase (computer) via some USB-MIDI interface. iConnectMIDI would work, but I think that it could not transmit audio to PC, even the latest version. I have iConnectMIDI1 that is now obsolete, but even if you could send MIDI to Yamaha gear, you could not use Yamaha applications on iPad due to the incompatibility of drivers. For instance, I could play Motif Rack XS from other USB keyboard and both devices are connected via USB hub to iConnectMIDI, but apps could not work. Guys from tech support told me that Yamaha have specific drivers and they could not solve that problem. Maybe it is corrected in newer version of iConnectMIDI 2 and 4, but someone who have those devices should post their experience.


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