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Viewing topic "Prologue Envelope Generator Question"

Posted on: October 27, 2014 @ 12:41 AM
Total Posts:  45
Joined  09-13-2014
status: Regular

Trying to work with Steinberg Prologue.

The manual says that its EG parameters for ADR go to 91 seconds. S is a volume level up to “100”.

The UI shows 181 (milliseconds???) as highest setting for ADR.

I don’t need 90 seconds - but I could use 1 to 5 maybe.

Am I missing something?



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Posted on: October 29, 2014 @ 03:11 AM
Total Posts:  45
Joined  09-13-2014
status: Regular

Played with it a bit more - and I think I’m getting more of the feel of it now. So I’m good. Thanks to Bad Mister - writing a personal email! I appreciate the response!


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